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Webinar Series

Build A Better Adult-Child Relationship together!!!

The saying goes, if you want to hide something from a Black man put it in a book. Studies prove that Prisons are built based on 3rd grade reading scores because illiteracy is the number one cause of Poverty and poverty, the #1 cause of crime and therefore incarceration.

Live Zoom Webinar Sundays & Wednesdays
at 7:00 pm est.

You’ll Unlock The Book You See Below For FREE!

Meet Your Host

Byron "DaStreetPriest" Alexander, Trauma & Resilience Educational Coach (CTRC-E)
Extreme Execution Personality Coach
12-Time Self Published Author

We help adults bridge trauma-induced learning gaps to develop supportive relationships with traumatized children who suffer from Adverse Childhood Experiences.

Education + Dedication = Liberation

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As a Husband, Father & Mentor
Byron "DaStreetPriest" Alexander
is fully committed to building and developing Supportive Adult-Child Relationships between for Traumatized Children, Adolescents, Parents & Educators!


Traumatized at six-months old by my father's death, I take every precaution in amplifying the lessons of life when raising my young Black king. WE make every effort to address the risk factors associated with childhood trauma for families and groups around the world.  -DaStreetPriest


"The Many Colors of S-Dot"

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How I Grew Up, Black in America
"The Many Colors of S-Dot" 

Based on the childhood trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences of the author, Byron Alexander, Trauma & Resilience Practitioner and Education Coach. 

Designed to help readers identify childhood trauma based on the trials, tribulations and adversities experienced by the author as a traumatized child and adolescence who was raised by traumatized parents.

Bridging trauma-identified gaps is the name of the game and what we specialize in, when helping develop supportive adult-child relationships between, students, educators and parents

The murder of the author's father when he was a baby, death of his grandmother and wrongful life incarceration of his brother before he became a teenager.

This book shows the impacts environmental, educational and institutional traumas have on early life development

Structured Interventions for Traumatized Children, Adolescence and Parents

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GoStopTrauma By Aligning Your Sons
With the Counteract Trauma
Book Club

How I Grew Up, BLACK in AmericaCounteractive Trauma Workbook” is designed to help readers analyze their thinking in relation to the decisions we face and the potential outcomes of the choices we make.

This workbook correlates with How I Grew Up, BLACK in America “The Many Colors of S-Dot” is a self-help narrative that depicts the life of its author.

Each chapter of the novel is accompanied by a principle-based learning lesson in this workbook pertaining to the Educational, Environmental and Institutional trauma we face early in life.

We strongly suggest that this Counteractive Trauma Workbook be used only as one goes through the novel associated with this work.

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Based on an interdisciplinary model, these resources were created to help individuals and groups recognize our personal trauma and triggers that we commonly overlook.

We educate minds and dedicating spirits, that liberate communities. Work exposes and analyzes some of the common risk factors that lead to the perpetuation of crime, acts of violence, incarceration and ultimately death. 

In this way, education, dedication, and liberation are the principles on which our interdisciplinary studies were founded and co-missioned to operate in conjunction with the needs of social, educational and institutional service entities.

This course works to improve the social, emotional and environmental state of vulnerable individuals and families who have been affected by death, devastation and the effects of incarceration.

In vision, this course was developed to see those who’ve faced trauma now, living safe, respectable and self-sustaining lives.

Established to penetrate the hearts and inspire the minds towards self-betterment.

- B. "DaStreetPriest" Alexander 


Counteract Trauma
Book Club Sessions

Obtain Victory's G.O.L.D.
Minds Against Destructive Environments

  • ​Session 1: A Life of Trauma
  • Session 2: A Look At Trauma
  • Session 3: Using Intimidation 
  • Session 4: A Sense of Belonging
  • Session 5: Discipline & Abuse
  • ​Session 6: Examining Our Biases
  • Session 7: Dealing With Loss
  • Session 8: Cooperation With Systems
  • ​Session 9: Doing Business As
  • Session 10: Power of Neglect

How I Grew Up Black in America
(Paperback + Audiobook + Ebook)
Counteractive Trauma Workbook
10 Sessions Video Course
10 Live Zoom Sessions
Weekly Q & A Sessions

"The Game I Was Playing,
Was No Game At All, But
A Matter of Life & Death"


Free Video Training Reveals 3 Things 
Anyone Can Do...

To develop supportive adult-child relationships in 6 days or less...
By bridging trauma-based 
communication gaps!

Get This FREE Training Now!!!

How to identify Childhood Trauma & Unique Personality as Your Tool To Overcame Adverse Childhood Experiences! 

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Kill Trauma
Resilience Focused Coaching Process

Helps children and adults identify childhood trauma and the
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) we face early on in our lives.

Trauma-Informed Coaching Process

  • ​Module 1: Intelligence
  • Module 2: Belonging
  • Module 3: Mastery
  • Module 4: Independence
  • Module 5: Generosity
  • ​Module 6: Resiliency

Identify childhood trauma and unleash the superhero in you to bridge trauma-identified communication gaps to develop supportive adult-child relationships in 6 days or less.

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  • Identify Your Problem / Pain
  • ​Magnify Your Purpose / Passion
  • Solidify Your Position / Place

Resilience Focused Coaching 

This process is based on D.I.S.C. Index technology designed to raise awareness and consciousness of our behavior and   communication tendencies. This is about uncovering why you do, what you do  and Unleashing the Superhero in You.

There are 4 Personality Dimensions:
Decisiveness, Interactive, Stabilizing and Cautious. With each personality style their are strengths and limitations. relationships and within group dynamics.

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Extreme Execution Coaching, is designed to help you identify your unique individual superpower through the Extreme Execution Flight Assessment. 

The Flight Assessment is a proprietary psychometric tool developed by Dr. Eric Thomas & his team of behavior experts.

The assessment is designed to guide individuals on a journey of developing self-awareness, and discovering how to leverage their unique talents to unlock their fullest potential.

After utilizing the Flight Assessment, teams & individuals have consistently been able to enhance productivity, increase their leadership & management influence, and communicate more effectively.

The assessment measures your
behavior in four main categories, each represented by a character: 

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Unleash Your Personal Individual Greatness By Unleashing the Superhero IN YOU!!!
100% Satisfaction Guarantied

- Byron "DaStreetPriest" Alexander

  • Follow the Exit Signs Book Series
  • How I Grew Up Black In America + Counteractive Trauma Workbook
  • How I Grew Up Black In America  Counteractive Trauma Video Course
  • How I Grew Up Black In America + GoStopTrauma Book Club
  • ​(10) Weekly Group Zoom Session
  • ​(10) Week Q & A Accountability Group + 1 on 1 Personal Support 
  • ​​(6) Session Kill Trauma Resilience Focused Coaching Process




Don't Miss the
FREE GoStopTrauma Webinar Series

They Say, "If You Want To Hide Something... Put It In A Book!"  

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 I Say, "If Each One, Reach One, Then We Can Teach Some... To Kill Trauma, One Person, One Community and One Child At A Time!"  

- Byron "DaStreetPriest" Alexander

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Michigan, United States 49037
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